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In 1847 in Singapore published an annual scientific magazine, the Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia (JIAEA, BI: "Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia"), which is managed by James Richardson Logan (1819-1869), a Scotsman who won law degree from the University of Edinburgh. Then in 1849 a British ethnologist nation, George Samuel Windsor Earl (1813-1865), joined as editor of the magazine JIAEA. In volume IV JIAEA 1850, pages 66-74, Earl writes articles On the Leading Characteristics of the Papuan, Australian and Malay-Polynesian Nations ("On the Leading Characteristics of Nations Papua, Australia and the Malay-Polynesian"). In his article was Earl insists that the time has come for the people of the islands of the Indian or Malay Archipelago to have a unique name (a distinctive name), because the name is not appropriate Indies and often confused with other mention of India. Earl propose two options names: Indunesia or Malayunesia ("nesos" in Greek means "island"). 
 "... Residents of the Indian or Malay Archipelago Islands each will be" People Indunesia "or" People Malayunesia "". Earl himself has said choosing the name Malayunesia (Malay Archipelago) than Indunesia (Indian Islands), because Malayunesia very appropriate for the Malay race, while Indunesia can also be used to Ceylon (Sri Lanka designation at the time) and the Maldives (foreign designation for the Maldives Islands). Earl argued also that the Malay language used throughout these islands. In his writings that Earl did use the term Malayunesia and not use the term Indunesia. In JIAEA Volume IV was also, pages 252-347, James Richardson Logan wrote the article The Ethnology of the Indian Archipelago ("Ethnology of the Indian Archipelago"). In early writings, Logan also expressed the need for a distinctive name for the islands now known as Indonesia, because the term Indian Archipelago ("Indian Archipelago") is too long and confusing. Logan then picked up discarded Indunesia name Earl, and the letter u replacement of the letter o in order to better his words. Thus was born the term Indonesia. [1] And it proves that most of the Europeans continue to believe that the population of these islands is Indian, a nickname that was maintained because it was already familiar in Europe.
 "Mr. Earl suggested the term ethnography" Indunesian ", but refused and support" Malayunesian. "I prefer the purely geographical term" Indonesia ", which is simply a shorter synonym for the islands of the Indian or Indian Archipelago" When proposing the name "Indonesia" Logan did not seem to realize that in the future it will be the name of the official name. Since that time Logan consistently used the name "Indonesia" in scientific writings, and gradually the use of this term is spread among scientists the field of ethnology and geography. [1] In 1884 a professor of ethnology at the University of Berlin named Adolf Bastian (1826-1905) published a book Rodel oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipel ("Indonesia or islands in the Malay Archipelago") of five volumes, containing the results of his research when wandering in The islands in 1864 until 1880. The book Bastian is what popularized the term "Indonesia" among scholars Netherlands, so that could arise assumption that the term "Indonesia" was created by Bastian. Opinion is not true that, among other things listed in the Encyclopedie van Nederlandsch-Indie in 1918. In fact, Bastian took the term "Indonesia" was from the writings of Logan. Natives who first used the term "Indonesia" is Suwardi Suryaningrat (Ki Hajar Dewantara). When banished to the Netherlands in 1913 he set up a news bureau with Persbureau Indonesische name. Indonesisch name (Dutch pronunciation for "Indonesia") was also introduced as a substitute Indisch ("Indian") by Prof. Cornelis van Vollenhoven (1917). Correspondingly, inlander ("native") is replaced by Indonesier ("Indonesian people").
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